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Important Notice Regarding Your Privacy Rights

This privacy policy notice is designed to inform you of the types of information Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. ("Company") may maintain or collect during the course of our relationship with you. It also explains the safeguards we have in place to protect that information and the circumstances under which we may share that information with other companies.

Section 1: Information We Maintain or Collect

We maintain and collect nonpublic personal information about you as necessary to service your loan. We also may maintain or collect information about you to enable us to provide products, services, and other opportunities that we believe may be of interest or benefit to you. The following are examples of the types of nonpublic personal information we maintain or collect:

  • Information that you provided in writing or verbally in connection with your loan or applications, or other forms, such as your name, address, social security number, income, or assets and liabilities.
  • Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or other parties, such as your payment history, account balance, and parties to transactions.
  • Information we receive from consumer reporting agencies, such as your credit worthiness and credit history.
Section 2: Information Sharing with Nonaffiliated Companies

To provide you with efficient service and inform you of opportunities that may be of interest to you, we may share all or part of the personal information that we maintain or collect, as described in Section 1, with nonaffiliated companies. We may share this information with the following types of nonaffiliated companies, among others, UNLESS YOU TELL US NOT TO DO SO, BY EITHER SIGNING AND RETURNING THE FORM PROVIDED OR CLICKING ON THE OPT-OUT BOX PROVIDED BELOW:

  • Financial service providers such as credit card issuers, finance companies, insurance companies, banks, and mortgage companies; and
  • Non-financial companies such as retailers, airlines, marketing companies, manufacturers, and publishers.


Section 3: Information Sharing with Our Affiliates
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Under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, there is certain information about you that we may not share with our affiliates if you tell us not to by signing and returning the form provided or clicking on the opt-out box below. This information may include, among other things, the following:

  • Information we obtain from your loan application, such as your income, assets and liability information, and marital status;
  • Information we obtain from a consumer report, such as your credit score or credit history;
  • Information we obtain to verify representations made by you, such as other financial obligations you may have; and
  • Information we obtain from a person or company regarding that person’s or company’s employment, credit or other relationship with you, such as your current employment relationship or what debts you owe.

The categories of affiliated companies who may receive the above information include:

  • Financial service providers, such as an insurance agency; and
  • Non-financial companies, such as companies that perform property evaluation services.

Please note that even if you direct us not to share the information described in Section 3, we are permitted to share with our affiliates information about transactions or experience between you and us.

Section 4: Information Sharing with Companies That Perform Services on our Behalf
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Under law, we may disclose nonpublic personal information about you that we maintain or collect, as described in Section 1, to companies that perform services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with which we have joint marketing agreements. The categories of third parties providing these services may include, among others the following:

  • Financial service providers such as credit card issuers, finance companies, insurance agencies or companies, banks and mortgage companies; and
  • Other service providers such as tax vendors, print vendors, software programmers, reconveyance companies, mortgage insurance providers and property evaluation companies
Section 5: Confidentiality and Security of Information
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We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information and to those companies or individuals that provide services to us, and in order to provide or offer products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information.

Section 6: Former Customers
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Our privacy policy for nonpublic personal information about former customers is the same as our policy for current customers.

Section 7: Your Right to Opt Out
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You may opt-out and thereby limit our use of your personal non-public information detailed above in one of two ways:

By printing, completing, and returning this form, you may opt out and direct us not to disclose nonpublic personal Information about you, except as permitted by law, to:

  • Nonaffiliated third parties as described in Section 2, and
  • Affiliated third parties as described in Section 3.

We will consider an opt-out by any joint customer as an opt out by all customers. If you have previously indicated your desire to opt out, you do not need to respond again.

Section 8: Cookies / Collection / Tracking
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Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. automatically collects and / or tracks (or reserves the right to collect or track):

  • The home server domain names, e-mail address, type of client computer, and type of Web browser of visitors to this site,
  • The e-mail address of visitors that communicate with Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. via e-mail, post messages to Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc.'s chat groups or rooms,
  • Information knowingly provided by the visitor in on-line forms, registration forms and surveys (“Registration Data”), and
  • A user specific information on what page visitors access

Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. also places or reserves its right to place Internet cookies on visitor’s hard drives. Internet cookies save the visitor’s name, password, user-name, screen preference, the page of the Company’s website viewed by the visitor, and the advertisements (if any) or links viewed or clicked by the visitor. When the visitor revisits Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc.'s website, the Company will recognize the visitor by the Internet cookie and may customize the visitor’s experience accordingly. Internet cookies are stored on the visitor’s hard drive and are not stored, in any form, by Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. Visitors may decline the Internet cookie by using the appropriate feature of the Web client software, if available.

Section 9: User Access to Information Collected
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Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. may require visitors and / or customers to provide certain identifying information (“Registration Data”) in order to access certain services (e.g., online payment rights) and information or restricted areas within its website. Such information would be found in our online registration forms. This information may include your legal name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, screen name, area of interest, passwords, methods of payment, and credit card number(s). Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. reserves the right to request any additional information necessary to establish, verify or maintain your account incidental to the exercise of on-line payment options, and other interactive customer service options. Registration Data is the property of Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. subject to and protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. will not sell, rent, swap, or otherwise disclose your Registration Data to any third party, except as provided herein. Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. maintains a secure area on this site for the transmission of Registration Data, and stores all Registration Data in a private database not connected to the Internet. Unless you “opt out”, Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. reserves the right to use your Registration Data to send you information about Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. and products and services of potential interest to you, as detailed above. You may access your Registration Data at any time by contacting Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. via postal mail, e-mail, or phone in which event you will either be provided with a hard copy or password protected access to a summary of any personal information retained by the Company regarding you.
Section 10: Lost or Stolen Information
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If your password is stolen or used without your permission, immediately notify Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. Upon notification, Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. will cancel your password and update your records. You may be unable to access certain information or services until Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. processes the change.
No Liability for Acts of Third Parties
Although Select Portfolio Servicing will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of Registration Data and your personal non-public information consistent with these privacy practices and policies, transmissions made by means of the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure. Select Portfolio Servicing will have no liability for the disclosure of Registration Data or personal non-public information due to errors in transmission or unauthorized interception or acts of third parties.Although Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of Registration Data and your personal non-public information consistent with these privacy practices and policies, transmissions made by means of the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure. Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. will have no liability for the disclosure of Registration Data or personal non-public information due to errors in transmission or unauthorized interception or acts of third parties.
Section 11: Use of Aggregated Information
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Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. reserves the right to disclose to third parties aggregated information about visitors’, subscribers’, or customers’ usage of this website and any related services including information gathered during your use of the site using “cookies.” Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. reserves its right to publish information in the form of aggregated data (such as overall patterns or demographic reports) that does not describe or identify the individual user, irrespective of whether you exercise your opt out rights hereunder.
Collection of Personal Data from Children
Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. will not intentionally collect or post information from children under the age of sixteen (“Children” or “Child”) without their parent’s or guardian’s consent. Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. does not intentionally provide any personal identifying information collected from Children, regardless of its source, to any third party for any purpose whatsoever. When a Child submits information to the Company’s website, the Company endeavors to send an e-mail to the Child’s parent or guardian alerting them to the Child’s registration and providing them with instructions on how the parent or guardian can delete the Child’s registration, if so desired. No information collected from Children is used for any marketing or promotional purposes whatsoever, either inside or outside the Company.
Company’s Right to Contact Users’
Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. reserves the right to contact site visitors regarding loan serving issues, account status, or other matters relating to the terms and conditions of use, privacy practices and policies, or use of this site.
Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. reserves the right to change or update the Privacy Practices and Policies, or any other policy or practice of the Company, at any time upon reasonable notice to users of the site. Any change or update will be noted and posted to the site.
This policy is effective as of 09/29/2014